AI won't take your job. But it will...

Real use case for AI.

Help you find your new home.

Over the past few months, my team and I have worked diligently to create an AI-powered homebuying platform.

We’re looking at the product two ways:

We will help you find your home.

Our AI-powered search platform helps you search for homes using plain, old English.

There’s no need to go to Zillow and use multiple filters and tags to tune your search.

Search for your properties by typing simple phrases like: “Find me homes under $500k in Miami with a beachfront”.

But there’s more.

We help you buy your home.

Traditionally, once you find your home, you have to go through multiple people: your brokers, your agent, the title company, the inspector, and more.

It’s a fragmented process. Our homebuying platform consolidates everything into one place, so you can track everything related to your homebuying process in one spot.

Give it a try. I’m sure you’ll love it.

If not, reply to this email. And please be blunt. I’d love to hear your roast!

And by the way, we’re doing it commission-free! Get a rebate of $15k (on average) when you buy a home using our platform.


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